Á¦¸ñ # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


°¡¼ö # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




W.I. Song
- Christopher Neil -

Where I Belong (1972)


Sitting on a concrete lagoon's
ceramic banks
In the middle of the city
With my felt tip pen
Poised over my paper

Trying terribly hard to write this song
Through the noise
of the traffic in the city
But I do believe the words
will come sooner or later

Trundling through my brain
Searching for a name
Looking to find a song I can call my own

I'm getting hung up a while
on Jenny's smile
When the sun hits her hair
She looks pretty
And it's reminding me
It's time that I should be home

I had this tune in my head
As I left my bed
And I stepped out
and smiled at the morning
And I knew today
everything is going to be lucky

And I'm not going to do
what I'm usually do
I said to myself this morning
I'm going to be free for today
Twenty four hours of hooky

And I'm grinning at the sun
I'm at peace with everyone
Looking to live a day I can call my own

And I'm tempted to sing aloud
Startle and amuse the crowds
that are milling all around me
They're just reminding me
It's time that I should be home


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