Á¦¸ñ # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


°¡¼ö # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




The Prisoner (Eight By Ten)
- Spring -

Spring (1971)


The dripping taps
Unnerving stare
Conducting songs
I'll never share
Cross my mind

Accompaniment to
a charred kettles whine
Is a cold and real awesome sign
I still find

Earth's illuminated centuries
Can't enlighten penitentiaries

Winters frost turns my fingers white
Fog that stirs and blurs my sight
Shrouds the town

The darkened shadow to whom I talk
As catacombs-like streets I walk
Weigh me down

Earth's illuminated centuries
Can't enlighten penitentiaries

Friends aren't waiting
Or concerned in my returning

Dropping coins that seem to laugh
The morning's milk that guards the path
Shows the sign

Eight by ten on the second floor
Fumes that creep beneath the door
End my time

Earth's illuminated centuries
Can't enlighten penitentiaries


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eight by ten = 8 feet x 10 feet = 2.4 m x 3 m = 7.2 §³ = 2.178 Æò

Æ˾ظ®¸¯ POP & LYRIC 1998-2025