Á¦¸ñ # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


°¡¼ö # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




Every Day & Every Night
- Mendelbaum -

Mendelbaum (compilation, 2002 / recorded 1969-70)


Got a feeling that I'm losing
And I'm never gonna win
I can't be sure that I'll be ready
When the kill inside begins

Everyday and every night I cry alone
And though my chills won't tell my story
Rest assured that I'm gonna
read it in my bones

When you wake up in the morning
Wishing you were still in bed
You know that you're missing somethin'
And you might as well be dead

Everyday and every night
you cry all alone
And though your chills
won't tell your story
Rest assured that I'm gonna
read it in your bones

Now my back is building slowly
I'll be this way until my second childhood starts to come around
Got to hope it soon, yes
And Lord, I hope I'm not wrong

Because you know if I'm not
The chills that feel my eyes won't be
for what they came to me before
No, Lord, not like before

Baby, baby, everyday and every night


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Æ˾ظ®¸¯ POP & LYRIC 1998-2025