Á¦¸ñ # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


°¡¼ö # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z




- Buffy Sainte-Marie -

It's My Way! (1964)


And my belly's craving
I got a shaking in my head
Feel like I'm dying
And I wish I was dead

If I live till tomorrow
That'll be a long time
But I reel and I fall
and I rise on codine
And it's real and it's real one more time

Well when I was a young girl
I learned not to care
For whiskey and frolic I often did swear
My mother and father said
whiskey's a curse
But the fate of their baby was
a million times worse
And it's real and it's real one more time

Stay away from the cities
Stay away from the town
Stay away from the man
Pushing the codeine around

Stay away from the stores
Where the remedy's piled
For better your pain
Than be caught on codine
And it's real and it's real one more time

You'll forget you're a woman
You'll forget about men
Try it just once and you'll try it again

You'll forget about life
You'll forget about time
And you'll live off your days
As a slave to codine
And it's real and it's real one more time

But if I die tomorrow
Still one thing I've done
I've heeded the warning
that I got when I was young

My one satisfaction
that comes when I think
That I'm living my life
without bending to drink
And it's real and it's real one more time


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